Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The Journey to Czech Republic - Politics

The heart of Europe - it used to be called in the Middle Ages. Now it is... what? How can I describe my country? Maybe like: It's a land of beer and glass.  We are the ones of drinking up litres of beer per year. :D

Location & very small window of history

Our neighbours are, to the west-north, Germany, to the south is Austria, to the east is Slovakia and to the north is Poland.
We've been one state with Slovakia for years. It was Czechoslovakia, which has been created in October 28 in 1918 and divided in two politically independent states, Czech Republic and Slovakia, on January the First in 1993. But during the World War II we weren't one state, beacause the others states (Great Britain, France, Germany and Italia) has decided to give our frontier area to Germany (by Munich Pact - we call it About us without us, beacuse the Czechoslavakia had banned to participate on it) and 'our brothers' Slovakians made their own state and joined to Germany. But after the end of war we unite our states again and we have there communism regime till the Velvet revolution. Now we are separated in two democratic states.

You can see at the picture that Czech Republic is still the heart of Europe, but it is for it's location. In the Middle Ages it was meant as the beating heart, heart of culture and education. It used to be gold ages for Czech lands - the reign of Charles the Fourth, the King of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Emperor.

President Miloš Zeman

Miloš Zeman
For now, Czech Republic is the parliamentary republic with Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and president - Miloš Zeman. Maybe you know this name, because our head of state is infamous person. People are divided in two teams - somebody hate him and the others adore him. I think the team, which includes haters, is stronger.
He was the first directly elected president in Czech Republic. He won with 54,80 %. Even at this time the people were divided. He is the third president of independent Czech Republic and, in my opinion, also the most controversial president ever.

Red card for Zeman
on November 17, year 2014
He is suspected for being drunk when the Bohemian Crown Jewells were showed (after his electing to president). And he said some vulgar words in the live broadcast in Lány. That was the last straw for haters, so the eggs were throwing on him and red cards were shown during his speech on November 17. I walked past there while they were gathering and I was scared of this crowd... I don't know why, maybe maybe because I don't like that hords of people at one time in one place.

People with national flag 
and with red cards standin against Miloš Zeman, year 2014

His wife with green card,
while they're visiting

The Velvet revolution on November 17 in 1989 & Václav Havel

The first President
of Czech Republic
The November 17 is the bank (national holiday). At this date in 1989 there was a demonstration against the communistic goverment and this event has launched the Velvet Revolution, because of which we are now the independent democratic state. You must know Václav Havel, the first President of our republic and I think also the most favourite. I don't know what he'll say to appearance of our current head of state.
He died three years ago and it was a great tragedy for Czech people, but I am glad to he can't see Miloš Zeman in the high position of Czech Republic.

The Velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia
on November 17 in 1989

See ya at the next post about nature's richness of Czech Republic!

Your Esi Cedarwood

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